Sunday, October 26, 2008

Quantitative Strategic Plan

Part I:

1. Research and collect data on color and fabric print:
* 1978,1980,1982: Emily
* 1984,1986,1988: Yumi
* 1990,1992,1994: Adrienne
* 1996,1998,2000: Tyler
* 2002,2004,2006: Shainna
* 2008,2009: Look up as a team

2. Continue to find the Beat or Momentum of 2008.
-Categories for 2008 will be divided accordingly:
* Emily: Art, Consumer lifestyles, politics, and economy.
* Yumi: International trade, food, media, regional, world news.
* Adrienne: Architecture, Interior design, fashion flops, Cotton Inc.
* Tyler: Color, Technology (Ipods, Computers, etc.), Sports, Makeup.
* Shainna: Trends, designers, textiles, AATCC, celebrity influence.

3. Test the hidden currents from the synthesis for accuracy/update missing data (trend setters).

4. Understand who Butler Bag is
* Competitors (researched based on price points): Shainna
* Product (of Butler Bag and competitors): Adrienne
* Color lines (of Butler Bag and competitors): Emily
* Fabrics (of Butler Bag and competitors): Tyler
* Price Points (of Butler Bag and Competitors): Yumi
* Sales (Current and Past): Research as a team, email Susan.

Part II:

1. Identify the Target Market
* Make a survey as a team that will: test prototype, color, and prices.
* Record the results of the survey and interpret/evaluate.
2. Review initial line and develop a prototype (sketch).

3. Identify direct competition.

Part III:

1. Develop the forecast.
* This includes the line of bags, color forecast, material used, finishes, price point, target market, and competitive analysis.

1 comment:

Mariam said...

great allocation of tasks! We will add the due dates in class on Wed and that should help you with your own time line.

Keep up the good work!