Tuesday, October 7, 2008

regional EBI(Effective buying income) in 1982 (compared with 2008)

Effective buying income is disaposal income which is considered as a bulk mesearment market of pottential indicating the ability to buy, and is essential for selecting, comparing, and grouping market.
Total United States EBI 2.169.679.437
United states EBI per capita 2,169.679.437/233,298.3 =9.300022491

Regional EBI per capita(EBI/population)
New England 124.236.107/12.496.6

Middle Atlantic 369.668.716/36.810.1

East North Central 392.230.409/41.929.9

West North Central 158.582.184/17.507.0

South Atlantic 333.627.057/38.611.9

East South Central 113.072.413/15.079.4

West South Central 126.568.994/25.202.1

Mountain 106.229.919/12.253.4
This is the EBI per capita in each state. ↓
Middle atlantic and Pacific, such New Jersey New York, California, and Washington have higher EBI. People spend more money for buying products than people in other states.

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