Part I:
1. Research and collect data on color and fabric print:
* 1978,1980,1982: Emily
* 1984,1986,1988: Yumi
* 1990,1992,1994: Adrienne
* 1996,1998,2000: Tyler
* 2002,2004,2006: Shainna
* 2008,2009: Look up as a team
2. Continue to find the Beat or Momentum of 2008.
-Categories for 2008 will be divided accordingly:
* Emily: Art, Consumer lifestyles, politics, and economy.
* Yumi: International trade, food, media, regional, world news.
* Adrienne: Architecture, Interior design, fashion flops, Cotton Inc.
* Tyler: Color, Technology (Ipods, Computers, etc.), Sports, Makeup.
* Shainna: Trends, designers, textiles, AATCC, celebrity influence.
3. Test the hidden currents from the synthesis for accuracy/update missing data (trend setters).
4. Understand who Butler Bag is
* Competitors (researched based on price points): Shainna
* Product (of Butler Bag and competitors): Adrienne
* Color lines (of Butler Bag and competitors): Emily
* Fabrics (of Butler Bag and competitors): Tyler
* Price Points (of Butler Bag and Competitors): Yumi
* Sales (Current and Past): Research as a team, email Susan.
Part II:
1. Identify the Target Market
* Make a survey as a team that will: test prototype, color, and prices.
* Record the results of the survey and interpret/evaluate.
3. Identify direct competition.
Part III:
1. Develop the forecast.
* This includes the line of bags, color forecast, material used, finishes, price point, target market, and competitive analysis.